Cock-up? 9 weirdly British phrases and their meaning.

Posted on February 16 2017

Cock-up? 9 weirdly British phrases and their meaning.

We, the UK, have a funny way of doing things, including what we say.

I hope the below is not a complete cock up, so here we go. Enjoy 9 weirdly British phrases and their meaning.

1. Stiff Upper Lip

Half naked on a tube? Keep cool. My lip won't tremble. Let's keep a stiff upper lip. We're not even going to have sneaky peak.

2. Faffing

You're reading this, but maybe thinking what to click on next? Then you're faffing; the art of looking incredibly busy, but in fact, achieving nothing at all.

3. Are you havin a laugh?!

The answer: No. Actually, there is nothing funny at all. Loosely translates to "are you being serious?"

4. Can I bum a fag?

Hold on! Careful there, it's not what you think. It means to scam (borrow) a fag (cigarette). 

5. Wee

We're not attempting to speak French, we're talking about nipping to the loo, spend a penny, you know taking a slash?!

6. Getting on my tits

Not a Pornhub search, but said in a jokey way when someone is really annoying you.

7 Dinlo

Said in a certain part of the UK (Portsmouth) and used to describe someone who is being a bit stupid. If you're the person having the stupid moment, then you can call yourself 'a proper Dinney'. Wow, plurals in slang. Sorted.

8. ...Sorted!

Not to be confused with 'salted', sorted means job done, I got it covered. If you say 'I'm sorted' in a nightclub this means you have drugs upon you. And we're not talking about tickly throat cough medicine...

9. That's pants!

It's not great, not very good. And 'Pants' meaning underwear, not trousers. OK that's confusing. Oh, and pants (underwear) are good. Oh bugger it. Enjoy the next post of 8 pics 'yep, we zoomed! just crotch pics'. Blimey!

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